inline - определение. Что такое inline
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Что (кто) такое inline - определение

In-line; Inline (disambiguation)

<programming> (Or "unfold") To replace a function call with an instance of the function's body. Actual argument expressions are substituted for formal parameters as in beta reduction. Inlining is usually done as a compile-time transformation. If done recklessly (e.g. attempting to inline a recursive function) the compiler will fail to terminate. If done over-enthusiastically the code size may increase exponentially, e.g. if function f calls g twice, and g calls h twice and h is inlined in g which is inlined in f (in either order) then there will be four copies of h's body in f. See also linear argument, unfold/fold. (1994-11-03)
Inline is commonly used to mean "in a line", "aligned" or "placed within a line or sequence". Topics that feature "inline" in their names include:
¦ adjective
1. having parts arranged in a line.
2. constituting an integral part of a continuous sequence of operations or machines.



Inline is commonly used to mean "in a line", "aligned" or "placed within a line or sequence". Topics that feature "inline" in their names include:

  • Inline citation (here meaning "within a line of text")
  • Inline engine
  • Inline hockey
  • Inline skating
Примеры произношения для inline
1. AUDIENCE: Inline.
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Digital Etiquette - The Future of Good Manners _ Victoria Turk _ Talks at Google
3. skating, inline skating world, began that process,
Mindset - How to Pivot and Reinvent _ Apolo Anton Ohno _ Talks at Google
4. That suggests that there is some inline style
Selfish Accessibility _ Adrian Roselli _ Talks at Google
5. There's a good 40% mails on reply inlines list.
Digital Etiquette - The Future of Good Manners _ Victoria Turk _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для inline
1. Acom, upgraded by Goldman from "inline" to "outperform", was up 3.4 per cent to Y7,260.
2. Promise, upgraded to "inline" from "underperform", rose 2.2 per cent to Y7,750.
3. Resona, upgraded to "inline" from "underperform", climbed 4.5 per cent to Y444,000.
4. He took [inline] speed skating to a whole new level." Yet he was ready for a new challenge by 2002.
5. So after being chased down by an inline skater, the suspect could be standing in line for identification.